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Quiet On The Set!

Every day in New York City something for cable is being filmed. Whether it’s a movie, a T.V. show, a documentary, a commercial, or some other kind of film wizardry…the camera is always there. You can find film shoots taking place in Times Square, Central Park, outside NBC Studio’s and sometimes even in Madison Square Park…which is right near our office for those of you living under a rock.
While waiting for the Keurig to finish making coffee magic, our office got into a passionate discussion about shows and movies that have been filmed in Mad. Sq. Park. Since most of us hang out there on the daily for lunch, coffee, beer and more, this only seemed like a logical location to talk about. Funny enough though, only a few of us could name a movie or show that was ever filmed in “our” park. Some thought they knew. Some shouted out movies titles that don’t exist. Some talked about a movie they saw being filmed there only to remember that they were actually in Philadelphia at the time. And every other person guessed that Sex and the City must have been filmed there at some point during its 6 season career run.
So here are the movies/shows we knew were filmed at Madison Square Park…without using Google (because we’re so smart):
  • Sex and the City (which was a total guess – but was later confirmed by the Google Gods).
  • Something Borrowed (this movie just happens to be a fav of one of our graphic designers who enthusiastically stated “I want Kate Hudson to be my bestie”)
  • Some Spider-man movie (we couldn’t agree on which one)
…And here are the movies/shows that Google told us were filmed at Madison Square Park:
  • Sex and the City (we totally knew this)
  • Something Borrowed
  • Anchorman 2
  • Spider-man 2
  • Person of Interest
  • Blacklist
  • Newsroom
  • I am Legend
  • White Collar
  • Meet Dave
  • My Super Ex-Girlfriend
  • Ugly Betty
  • The Dark Tower
  • Smash
  • Kojak (how awesome is this one?!)
  • New York City Serenade
  • Justice
  • And a few other shorts that even after looking up we still didn’t know what they were.
So how many movies and T.V. Shows did you know where filmed at Mad. Sq. Park…with or without Google’s brainy knowledge?

Author: Scriptable Solutions NYC
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